Putting together an outfit is a fairly basic routine. Making sure it's coordinated & combined with the right fabrics and colors is simple in theory, but without adding accessories, it can be dead in the water when it comes to expressing one's personal style. Accessories are a great way to turn up the volume on any out fit. Looking ahead to the Spring 2010 season, we shift our focus to a few of the highlighted items for this runway season.
GLOVES! The runway brought a breath of fresh air

to the fashion item which relegated to somewhat restricted group of wearers up to fairly recent times. Featured at the Yves Saint Laurent show, gloves, worn once as a novelty, were featured as a mainstream option this se
ason. YSL is known for its mastery of tailoring. Scalloped jackets, large-lapelled shirt dresses, bolero jackets and a slew of precisely cut pencil skirts took to the Parisian stage, but it was the subtle note of rebellion which was most effective. Wearing gloves this casually, is sophisticated, and is something that more men and women need to start wearing again. Yves Saint Laurent, himself, may he rest in peace, would agree. Americans, have just rediscovered the wearing of hats and scarves. I would imagine gloves worn in this fashion, will be ne
xt. Its only logical. I mean elegant gloves, worn out to dinner. Not the Michael Jackson, Flash dance and or 80's one glove or the leather gloves people only wear in the winter when it is cold. Those are hideous. If you only we

ar gloves to keep your hands cold, you are missing the point. White gloves, very chic, on women and men.
The Stirrup... Alexander Wang's latest Resort collection isn't completely devoid of black party dresses, but they certainly play a more minor role than they have in seasons past. The CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund winner chalked up his new found interest in all-American sportswear. Featured this season was an alternative to hosiery, the stirrup. Can be worn with low, ankle, or tall boots. This fashion accessory highlighted the runway for the Spring, 2010 show, which put a new spin on the once traditional piece, to an updated chic look.
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www.busaccafashiongallery.com. Busacca Fashion Gallery (BFG), is an online selling & buying platform for designers, boutique owners, and individual sellers to sell their items on a consignment basis, free on the web. To learn more, visit our website.
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